Thursday, August 12, 2010

Updates... AGAIN!

Hey everyone! I haven't been posting... lol. I'm actually on Tumblr now... < that will take you right to it! Okay so answers to some of the questions you may have... No, i am not struggling with anorexia anymore. Long time since then. this was more like a phase for me.... not serious like most girls. I still care a great deal about eating disorders awareness and will continue to raise awareness for as long as i am able!! I am doing good, Junior year of high school is great! Esp. Cheerleading :) I'm in a relationship and happy! God is still my #1... Emily had her baby. They are both doing fantastic. :) Ariel Jayne was born on July 21st at 3:24 p.m. at 6lbs and 9oz. :) she is beautiful!

That's pretty much all of the new stuff that has happened in my life! :) I probably won't be posting on here much anymore, But i WiLL be on Tumblr if you would like to follow me on there :)

Throughout my "blogging experience", God has really opened up my eyes to how you can change one person's whole world from a blog post. I thank God for all the bloggers out there who blog for a good cause and those of you who work hard to spread the message of God Through blogging. You are a blessing!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Well, i started going to bible study with my Friend Daren. Ever since i have been going, i feel closer and closer to God. I'm starting to feel like the kind of person i used to be.
At the same time, i feel like i've set a boundary between me and God that's so hard to break down.
I haven't really had any "ana" thoughts, but yesterday she slipped into my mind for a moment.
I really want to start doing more to help those that struggle.

I haven't talked to my counselor since before spring break, so that's not good. I really don't NEED to talk to her anymore. I think for the most part i have overcome.

I'm really trying to focus fully on God right now. I need to fall deeply in love with HiM!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cheerleading!! and other updates.

First and foremost, i made cheerleading at my school! i am so glad i did (: and i can't wait to start practicing for it!! (:
Anyways, i haven't felt the urge to return to Ana in a long time. She has really faded away from me as time has gone by.
But unfortunately i haven't been following God like i should. i really haven't been praying, reading my bible, going to church, etc. And ever since scarred hasn't been having meetings, i feel like i'm not as "christian" as i used to be.
I'm going to really start trying to let God back in and become the person i once was.

I realize that it's time to start falling completely in love with God. Let him be my wings. <3.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

SCARRED... or should i say CONQUER!!!

So, we changed the SCARRED name to CONQUER! I'm really excited about this.
So the next CONQUER will be March 26th! I hope you all (whoever is reading this) will come! It's at 7:00 at the Methodist Church in Childersburg! (comment this post for directions)

Come out for awesome praise & worship, a great sermon, dramas and more!! :)

Hope to see you there!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Expect the UN-expected.

So the other day i learned something about ED's that i never realized before. Well, i guess i have realized it before, but the other day it really hit me, and i feel like God was really tugging on my heart to post about it.
So here goes. Friday at school, someone called me a "cow". Now it's not a big deal, but if your an Anorexic, or recovering Anorexic, you take it to heart. I probably took it too far, but in the end i am grateful. It taught me a great lesson that many girls with eating disorders don't think about: Having an eating disorder is NOT going to get you any kind of "special attention". Someone is not going to say to the other, "watch what you say around that girl, she has self esteem issues." or, "don't ever call her fat, she has an eating disorder." People are going to say what they want to say, and do what they want to do. Regardless of who YOU are and what YOU'VE been through. To put it bluntly, people aren't going to "kiss your butt" because they know you have an eating disorder. They're going to insult, make fun, and say what's on their mind! i guess the purpose of this post is to tell you NOT to expect people to hold their tounge in front of you, or be "extra-nice". Because if you do expect that, people will be a BiG let-down to you.

After all, the only compliments or comments that MATTER, are those that come from our LORD & SAViOR. The ones we should be STRiViNG to listen to each and every day. <3

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Safe in HiS arms. :)

Hey everyone!!!! It has been a good week. As you all may or may not know, this week has been National Eating Disorders Awareness week. This got me thinking a LOT about eating disorders. I slipped a little, and i was very disappointed given the fact that this week was meant to raise AWARENESS for people struggling with eating disorders. This week was the worst time for me to slip.... but anyways... I got to thinking about ED's and how they effect people... not physically, but MENTALLY.  Wednesday, i was sitting in my enrichment class and i got to looking at these pro-ana sites. I used to look at pro-ana sites back when i was really into my ED. I used them to draw me closer to Ana. But from what i saw the other day... i got a completely DiFFERENT approach.... What i saw DiSTGUSTED me.... i couldn't believe the way that these girls WORSHiP ana!!!! It made me want to fight even harder to make eating disorders a THiNG OF THE PAST!

This week has made me ever grateful to be serving such an amazing God, and i am so glad that i am safe in the arms of the one that means the most. My motivation has increased, and i will NOT stop raising awareness until eating disorders are HiSTORY. My God is stronger than this. <333

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Back to the drawing board...

Well i've been doing REALLY good with my eating disorder. No skipping meals, no laxatives, and not even THiNKiNG about it. Most importantly, i've been feeling good about myself. i still had some issues with the way i looked, but i felt good about how i was drawing MUCH closer to God and way further away from Ana. But last night i realized that Ana has just one thing to her advantage-memories. Last night she brought back the memories of who i was when i let her be a part of me... I was miserable.... but i was much thinner back then. The thing is, i've gained over 10 pounds since the summer. This comes as a big shock to me. See, Ana wants me to be back to the way i was when i was Ana.... But God wants me to be back to the way i was BEFORE i even met her.

I want God to take me back to the drawing board. I want him to take me back to the days when i was genuinely happy in God's presence.

This week is eating disorders awareness week, and i want to show a video to my school to spread awareness for eating disorders. But i understand that in order to join the fight against Ana, i can't do things that would please her or bring me back to her.

Which is exactly why i want to go aaaalllll the way back. Back to when i never even knew Ana. When i was happy with the way i looked. If i could do that.... i know i could make a difference in a lot of girls' lives.